2024-02-02,恭喜CUUG 刘同学通过Oracle考试获得OCP 19c证书 2024年2月2日,恭喜CUUG 刘同学通过了Oracle的考试,收到OCP 19c认证证书!xxx liuOracle Database Administration 2019 Certified ProfessionalThis certifies that the above named is recog...[详细]
恭喜CUUG Guo同学以较高分数通过19c OCM认证考试! 恭喜CUUG Guo同学以较高的分数顺利通过OCM 19c考试(四科成绩分别为:97.59%、77.38%、84.34%、90.48%)。Dear xx GuoCongratulations!Oracle University is happy to announce that you have ...[详细]
10月9日,恭喜CUUG 蔡同学获得Oracle OCP 19c证书 恭喜CUUG 蔡同学10月9日收到Oracle OCP 19c认证证书,付出终获回报!xxxxxx CaiOracle Database Administration 2019 Certified ProfessionalThis certifies that the above named is recognize...[详细]