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  • 【071题库】最新OCP-071考试题库解析-第52题 071题库-第52题、choose the best answer: Examine the structure and data in the PRICE_LIST table: You plan to give a discount of 25% on the product price and need to display the discount amount in the same format as the PROD_PRICE. Which SQL statement would give the required...[详细]
  • 【071题库】最新OCP-071考试题库解析-第53题 071题库-第53题、choose the best answer: Examine the command to create the BOOKS table. SQLCREATE TABLE books (book_id CHAR(6) PRIMARY KEY, title VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, publisher_id VARCHAR2(4), author_id VARCHAR2(50)); The BOOK_ID value 101 does not exist in the table. ...[详细]
  • 【071题库】最新OCP-071考试题库解析-第54题 071题库-第54题、choose the best answer: View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the ORDER_ITEMS and ORDERS tables. You are asked to retrieve the ORDER_ID, PRODUCT_ID, and total price (UNIT_PRICE multiplied by QUANTITY), where the total price is greater than 50,000. You ...[详细]
  • 【071题库】最新OCP-071考试题库解析-第55题 071题库-第55题、choose the best answer: Which statement is true regarding the SESSION_PRIVS dictionary view? A) It contains the object privileges granted to other users by the current user session. B) It contains the system privileges granted to other users by the current use...[详细]
  • 【071题库】最新OCP-071考试题库解析-第56题 071题库-第56题、choose the best answer: You need to create a table with the following column specifications: 1. Employee ID (numeric data type) for each employee 2. Employee Name (character data type) that stores the employee name 3. Hire date, which stores the date of joini...[详细]
  • 【071题库】最新OCP-071考试题库解析-第57题 071题库-第57题、choose two: Examine the structure of the DEPARTMENTS table You execute the following command: SQL ALTER TABLE departments SET UNUSED (country); Which two statements are true? A) A new column, COUNTRY, can be added to the DEPARTMENTS table after executing ...[详细]
  • 【071题库】最新OCP-071考试题库解析-第58题 071题库-第58题、choose the best answer: Examine the structure of the BOORSTRANSACTIONS table: Examine the SQL statement: SQL SELECT FROM books_transactions WHERE borrowed_date MEMBER_ID IN ('A101', 'A102'); Which statement is true about the outcome? A) It displays detail...[详细]
  • 【071题库】最新OCP-071考试题库解析-第59题 071题库-第59题、choose two: Which two statements are true regarding the USING and ON clauses in table joins? A) The ON clause can be used to join tables on columns that have different names but compatible data types. B) A maximum of one pair of columns can be joined between t...[详细]
  • 【071题库】最新OCP-071考试题库解析-第60题 071题库-第60题、choose the best answer: Evaluate the following SQL commands: SQLCREATE SEQUENCE ord_seq INCREMENT BY 10 START WITH 120 MAXVALUE 9999 NOCYCLE; SQLCREATE TABLE ord_items (ord_no NUMBER(4) DEFAULT ord_seq.NEXTVAL NOT NULL, item_no NUMBER(3), qty RIUNBER(3)...[详细]
  • 【071题库】最新OCP-071考试题库解析-第51题 071题库-第51题、choose the best answer: Evaluate the following SQL statement: SQL SELECT cust_id, cust_last_name FROM customers WHERE cust_credit_limit IN (select cust_credit_limit FROM customers WHERE cust_city ='Singapore'); Which statement is true regarding the above ...[详细]
  • 【071题库】最新OCP-071考试题库解析-第42题 071题库-第42题、choose three Which three tasks can be performed by DDL statements? A) preventing data retrieval from a table outside of office hours B) modifying a table to prevent data that violate certain conditions from being entered in a column C) preventing any data mod...[详细]
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