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恭喜CUUG Guo同学以较高分数通过19c OCM认证考试!

恭喜CUUG Guo同学以较高分数通过19c OCM认证考试!

恭喜CUUG Guo同学以较高的分数顺利通过OCM 19c考试(四科成绩分别为:97.59%、77.38%、84.34%、90.48%)。

Dear xx Guo

Congratulations!Oracle University is happy to announce that you have PASSED the Oracle DBA 19c Certified Master Exam.

Here is the score report for your exam:

CUUG 郭同学的19c OCM成绩

19c OCM 考试内容及最低分数线:

Skillset 1 (9011-General Database and Netword Administration) 62%

Skillset 2 (9012-Backup/Recovery and Data Management) 51%

Skillset 3 (9013-Performance Tuning and Data Guard) 52%

Skillset 4 (9014-Configurating Real Application Clusters) 63%

CUUG 另外一名李同学的19c OCM成绩

如果您也想了解19c OCM认证,可以联系CUUG咨询老师 - Oracle指定认证培训中心


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