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【第33题】OCP 052考试换题库,最新题库及答案收集

【第33题】OCP 052考试换题库,最新题库及答案收集

Oracle OCP的考试题库现在并不是非常稳定,隔一段时间变化一回,这让很多想考OCP的同学都非常着急,这里整理了一些052的新题,希望对大家有帮助。

33、Which two are true about Oracle Data Pump in Oracle Database 11g Release 2?

A. If the directory used in the export operation has existing dump files, it overwrites them.

B. It allows encryption to be performed without using a password.

C. It supports the renaming of tables during import.

D. It supports the export of specific views as tables.

E. It allows compression levels to be defined for the export.

Correct Answer: BE


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