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OCP 11g认证052考试新题库解析-6

OCP 11g认证052考试新题库解析-6

OCP 11g认证考试题库在稳定了几年以后突然发生了很大的变动,2018年的Oracle OCP认证考试变化很大,考试形式更加灵活,考题顺序发生变化,更是有不断的新题出现,对很多考生造成影响,为了帮助大家顺利通过OCP考试,这里对OCP的新题进行了收集整理。

6、You are installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure by using the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI).

You select the "Install and Configure Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server" option.

Which task is performed by OUI as part of this installation?

A) creation and configuration of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control on the server

B) creation of privileged operating system groups that are used for OS authentication

C) creation of a general purpose database

D) creation of an ASM disk group and registration of ASM components with Oracle Restart



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