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OCP 19c 认证1Z0-083考试题库(-2题)

OCP 19c 认证1Z0-083考试题库(-2题)

OCP 19c 认证1Z0-083考试题库(-2题)-CUUG内部学员版083题库解析

2、Choose three. In which three situations can you use threshold server-generated alerts to help diagnose and fix problems?

A) when free space in a dictionary managed tablespace falls below a specified percentage

B) when free space in a locally managed tablespace falls below a specified percentage

C) when the total number of locked user account exceeds a specific value

D) when the number of logons per second exceeds a specific value

E) when a resumable statement is suspended

F) when the total number of logons exceeds a specific value

Answer :ABF

(解析:有关 server-generated alerts 的考题以前考的比较多。该考题的答案更加广泛,比较难。 用户锁的数量 oracle 应该是不会去关注的。)

非阈值预警直接进入 DBA_ALERT_HISTORY,阈值预警进入 DBA_OUTSTANDING_ALERTS 清空后进入 DBA_ALERT_HISTORY。 Oracle 只提供预警,不会自动处理。只有管理员看到信息后处理,或达不到预警条件后消失。


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